Wednesday, May 14, 2008

James Carr VS Amy Cohen Efron

Other boxer match!! about 10 minutes of 2nd movie.  No popcorn need.  lets order pizza.  ha just kidding...


Anonymous said...

Ah, you a male basher.

I am not happy because you like to bash at man and let woman get away!

Only kidding! Good sport you are!

Anonymous said...

what AN another bad comedy you got. You got my second STRIKE! Remember the fiction movie that rocket hits the moon long time ago and reality the rocket arrived on the moon. You made first one Matt vs Amy who won the game?! Matt, which reflect yourself in favor to Matt? If in the reality Matt stayed with Emben which will considered your comedian as AUDIST. Let you know I enjoyed your comedy until Matt vs Amy and second one that will made me look at you as bad comedian. (not too impress with your comedy though) I am hoping that there will be not my last strike for you to be OUT. Good Luck,...

Anonymous said...


I'm responding today to tell you that I appreciate you sharing your experience with what happened yesterday.

We are grateful that you have shared your feelings. Thank you for doing that.

MLK spoke of non-violence.
Gandhi spoke of the same.
They spoke of this in order to attain their truth.

Equal respect and recognition.

Do hearing people treat us who need ASL to communicate with much respect?

Do you believe cochlear implants are necessary for babies and children?

Do cochlear implants promote ASL?

Do you think Matt can live without ASL?

I believe we know your answers.

Amy wants our truth to be recognized. We feel the need edcaute the world and the community about that sacred history of ours. Your joke on her offended her and other women.

Amy did not appreciate it. She did not find it funny. She has been passionate about her desire to educate the hearing world about our Deaf True Life Way and she has promoted ASL.

I want to support her and I want to support a good vision that will help the future of deaf children.

I know you were trying to be funny but when you offend someone in your own community, you offend tenfold and furter divide us. I believe Amy wants us, as a community, to sit down and take notes from our Deaf History.

James, please know that I grew up watching comedy on Saturday Night Live with my old man and I'll admit, there is comedy in making jokes out of people. Laughter is good. Sure!

But when someone offends a person who fights for the same thing as you, that's got to hurt.

I thought your free box from AGB was funny.

I know you mean well because I can see it in you when you sign. Thats the beauty of ASL.

They don't care about ASL!

Attack the industry, Attack the ignorance, and promote the good cause. Parents and deaf children need American Sign Language as a safety net for all learning. Thank you for sharing with us your feelings and experience through this present era.

I look forward to seeing your future vlogs. I'm right here learning with you. Cool...?
